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Pub crawl sign-up

25 October 2021

Hi all,

If you’d like to join the pub crawl on Friday, please fill out this sign-up form so we can get a better idea of how many people will join us :-)

The bars in Tübingen all have 2G (geimpft (“vaccinated”), genesen (“recovered”)) or 3G (geimpft, genesen, getestet (“tested”)) rules, meaning you need to show a certificate proving that one of those “G”s applies to you. (The same goes for cafés, restaurants, museums, gyms, etc. etc.) If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, the university offers vaccinations for all students/employees (more info here) and the TüNewsInternational website also provides information in German, English, Arabic and Farsi (you need to scroll down a bit to get to the articles in the different languages) on how to get vaccinated in Tübingen. (Obviously, you won’t be fully vaccinated in time for the pub crawl, but you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of the vaccine protection in about 1-2 months :-))

See you soon!

– The Fachschaft

Pub crawl update!

24 October 2021

Hi all,

We moved the pub crawl to Friday, October 29. Here’s the schedule:

  • 18:00 - Meetup at SfS

Group 1:

  • 18:30 - 19:30 Asmara
  • 19:30 - 20:30 ShooterStars [pending]
  • 20:30 - 21:30 Storchen
  • 21:30 - 22:30 Stadtpost:

Group 2:

  • 18:30 - 19:30 ShooterStars [pending]
  • 19:30 - 20:30 Asmara
  • 20:30 - 21:30 Stadtpost
  • 21:30 - 22:30 Storchen

[Edit: If you plan on joining us, please fill out this sign-up form so we can get a better idea of how many people will join us :-)]

See you soon!

– The Fachschaft

Pub crawl moved

20 October 2021

Hi all,

We have to move the pub crawl to a new date, likely sometime next week. We’ll update you about the exact date/time and the locations as soon as possible!

The virtual Ersticafé on Friday will still take place as planned. Thank you to everyone who came to the regulars’ table on Monday—it was very nice to meet you all :-)

See you again soon!

– The Fachschaft

Beginning of the winter semester

17 October 2021

Welcome (back) to Tübingen!!

We’re looking forward to meeting all you new students and to seeing the “old” students again :-)

To get this started, we’ve planned a welcome week, starting tomorrow(!!):

  • Monday, October 18, 8 PM – ??. Regulars’ table at Saints & Scholars (Wilhelmstr. 44), right across the street from SfS. All new & old students at the SfS are welcome! Note that the pub has a 2G covid regulation, meaning you need to show some proof that you’ve been vaccinated or that you have recovered from covid.
  • [Edit: Date moved!]. Pub crawl. Get to know some of Tübingen’s night life! We’ll share the locations soon, but all of them will be either 2G (vaccinated/recovered) or 3G (vaccinated/recovered/tested).
  • Friday, October 22, 2 PM – 4 PM. Ersti helpdesk, via Zoom (we’ll share a link on the Fachschaft Moodle page). Are you a new student and have questions about your studies / need help with picking classes / are confused about life in Tübingen/Germany? We’ll help you :) If you’re not able to attend the helpdesk, don’t feel shy about asking questions in the #ask-the-fachschaft channel on Discord or sending us an email!

The link to the Discord server and the link to the Zoom meeting are / will be shared on our Moodle page:

See you soon!

– The Fachschaft

Virtual pub crawl tonight

23 April 2021

Hi all,

Tonight is our start-of-the-semester virtual pub crawl. Bring some drinks and snacks and join us at 8! (You can of course also always join in later.) The Zoom link will be on Discord and Moodle.

Hoping to see many of you tonight!

– The Fachschaft