Updating the Email Account

After an email admin finishes studying at the SfS, it’s necessary to update the email account information. Otherwise, the email account will be deactivated after some amount of time (fortunately, there is an automated reminder email beforehand).

To do this, go to https://uni-tuebingen.de/einrichtungen/zentrum-fuer-datenverarbeitung/oft-gefragt/antraege/antraege-mit-deckblatt/ and download the Deckblatt (“cover sheet”) and the form for updating the account (Funktions-Login-ID/E-Mail-Adresse für Infoadministratoren universitärer Gruppen > Änderung).

Fill out the update form with the new admin’s contact information.

Ask the SfS secretary or a professor (or someone from the faculty’s dean’s office (Dekanat)) to fill out the Deckblatt.

Email the Deckblatt and the form to the ZDV.