Recent posts

General Tutorials

25 May 2023

Hello everyone, it seems like some of you guys would be interested in a general purpose tutorial.

The format will be casual, so I don’t have anything planned, but this format may change depending on feedback.

It will be tomorrow in the Fachschaft room (SFS room 049) at 4:00PM and go until 7PM. You can then join us for our weekly fachschaft meeting.


24 April 2023

Hello everyone, we are having sponsored alcoholism a pub crawl this Friday to start your semester off with a new addiction fun time!

Hey peeps! We’re having another start-of-semester pub crawl! It’ll take place this Friday. Pubs to be announced. So as to have an idea of how many people would like to show up, please fill out this form: Additionally, it would be great that if you change your mind you let us know via email that you won’t be attending. hope to see you on Friday 🍹

Start of Summer Semester 23

22 April 2023

Hi guys.

This is a reminder that we are in fact NOT dead. We had our first fachschaft meeting yesterday, and a quick reminder that Fachschaft meetings are currently at 7PM Fridays at the SFS building (Keplerstraße 2) in room 049. Feel free to join.


Do you think this website sucks? Do you think this website is dead, because nobody updated in 6 months? Do you think this website should be turned into an advertisement for your crypto pyramid scheme?

If you said yes to any of these things, guess what? This website is open source and on github! Feel free to make pull request with your own changes! If you need help, instructions should be in the sidebar. I (John) would appreciate any help, since it’s been mostly me updating the website for the past semester. And I now resort to passive agressive messages to beg for help.

Christmas Events

18 November 2022

Hello everybody, we have two events coming up.

On December 5th, we’re having a game night. Place is undetermined.

On December 9th, we’re having a Christmas party in room 02 in Wilhelmstraße 19.

Game Night

13 November 2022

Hi, there is a game night tomorrow.

game night