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Pre-course & repetitoria

20 September 2022

Hi there - old and new,

Here are two offers from students for students to make you ready for the winter term. :)



We are happy to announce that this year, for the first time, we’re planning a pre-course for students who start their studies at the SfS.

What is it about? - The main goal is to facilitate the beginning of your studies. Over the course of a week, we provide you with handy information about

  • general uni functionalities and self-organization,
  • basics about programming, linguistics and necessary math, and
  • how to set up your computer.

When will it take place? - 10-14 October, 2022 - so, just before the semster starts.

What next? - More detailed information about exact times and rooms, and how to register, will follow here. Stay tuned! :)



Furthermore, we continue offering repetitoria for more advanced students.

What are they about? - Revisiting the contents of previous semesters covering topics such as programming (java and python), statistics, text technology, and linguistics.

When will they take place? - 10-14 and 17-21 October, 2022.

What next? - Same as with the precourse, more detailed information will follow, so please come back and check this site at a later point. :)


Wishing you all the best to settle into the mood of a new semster,

– The Fachschaft


9 May 2022

Hi all,

Whether to sit in silence and get work done, for questions you’re too embarrassed to ask in class, or to meet people you can study with: Make sure to come check out our all-purpose tutorials!

Every Tuesday:

  • 10:15 – 11:45 - Room 1.13 @ SfS - tutors: Lisa ( & Miriam (
  • 14:15 – 15:45 - Room 035 @ Brechtbau - tutors: Kuan ( & Victoria (

Every Thursday:

  • 18:15 – 19:45 - Room 1.13 @ SfS - tutors: Akshat ( & Floarea ( We’re looking forward to meeting you!

– The Fachschaft

Fachschaft meeting

1 November 2021

Hi all,

The next Fachschaft meeting is on Tuesday, November 2nd, at 8 PM. We plan on discussing upcoming social events, current topics of the institute’s advisory board, possible precourses for new students next year, and the possibility of getting English translations of the exam regulations. You’ll be able to find the link to the Zoom call on Moodle; please feel free to join us! :-)

– The Fachschaft

Pub crawl sign-up

25 October 2021

Hi all,

If you’d like to join the pub crawl on Friday, please fill out this sign-up form so we can get a better idea of how many people will join us :-)

The bars in Tübingen all have 2G (geimpft (“vaccinated”), genesen (“recovered”)) or 3G (geimpft, genesen, getestet (“tested”)) rules, meaning you need to show a certificate proving that one of those “G”s applies to you. (The same goes for cafés, restaurants, museums, gyms, etc. etc.) If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, the university offers vaccinations for all students/employees (more info here) and the TüNewsInternational website also provides information in German, English, Arabic and Farsi (you need to scroll down a bit to get to the articles in the different languages) on how to get vaccinated in Tübingen. (Obviously, you won’t be fully vaccinated in time for the pub crawl, but you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of the vaccine protection in about 1-2 months :-))

See you soon!

– The Fachschaft