Recent posts

❄ Regulars’ Table & Christmas Party ❄

3 December 2019

Dear linguists and computational linguists,

We’d like to invite you to two events this month:

First, we have a regulars’ table this Friday (December 6th, 8 PM). It’s at the Irish pub Saints & Scholars, just across the street from SfS. Everybody is welcome!
Facebook event

We’d also like to invite you to our annual SfS Christmas Party! It will take place on Thursday, December 19th (SfS room 0.02, 8 PM).
As always, there will be free food, Glühwein, beer and nice music. A money box for donations can be found at the secretary’s office on the first floor, any gesture is much appreciated! It would be also great if you bring cookies or some small snacks for the party :)
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Facebook event

– Your Fachschaft

Waffles in front of Brechtbau

18 November 2019

We’re selling waffles in front of Brechtbau today (Nov 18th, from 9 AM until the batter runs out). The money we earn goes towards the events we organize, like the Christmas party. We have all kinds of toppings, including gingerbread and speculoos, so stop by and treat yourself to a waffle! 💛

Regulars’ Table on Monday

8 November 2019

Next Monday the 11th of November, there will be the next Stammtisch for all (computational) linguists! Stop by if you want to hang out with your fellow students, have some beer and food and chat a little bit. Everybody’s welcome!

We will meet at 6 PM at the Irish pub Saints & Scolars, you just need to cross the street coming from SfS :)

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
– The Fachschaft

Facebook event

Game Night: NEW TIME

21 October 2019

Dear all,

We had to push back game night by one hour. It’ll take place in room 0.01 (the other large room on the ground floor of Wilhelmstr. 19) on Wednesday, Oct 23rd from 8 PM to 11 PM.

All computational & general linguistics students, Erstis and students in higher semesters alike, are welcome!

We look forward to seeing you there!