Recent posts

Holiday party

14 December 2020

Hi all,

You are all invited to the digital version of our annual holiday party! It will take place on Monday, December 21, and start at 8 PM.

We’ll share more information soon!

– The Fachschaft

Game night

27 November 2020

Hi all,

This is a brief reminder about our game night taking place tonight. It will start at 7 PM in the Games section of our Discord server. (If you aren’t on the server yet, you can find the link on our Moodle page.)

See you soon!

– The Fachschaft

A survey and upcoming events

22 November 2020

Hi all,

We created a survey to get a better impression of how you experienced the beginning of the semester. You can find it on our Moodle page. Every SfS student is very welcome to participate; we’re looking forward to getting your impressions and feedback! Filling out the questionnaire shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

We also planned the next two social events: First, an online game night on Friday (November 27), starting at 7 PM. The week after, we’re gonna have another virtual pub crawl, by popular request: on December 04, starting at 8 PM.

See you soon!

– The Fachschaft

Fachschaft meeting

19 November 2020

Hi all,

Our next Fachschaft meeting will take place tonight (November 19th) at 6:30. We will share the Zoom link on our Moodle page when the meeting starts. Please feel free to join us if you have ideas for activities we can plan, have any concerns regarding your studies that you would like for us to discuss or if you’d just like to find out what Fachschaft meetings look like :-)

– The Fachschaft

Office Hour

16 November 2020

Hi all,

The next Fachschaft office hour is going to take place tomorrow (Tuesday, November 17th). Like the previous one, it will start at 4 PM and end at 5 PM. Come by if you have any questions or issues we can help you with! The Zoom link will be on our Moodle page.

– The Fachschaft