Recent posts

Office Hour

10 November 2020

Hi all,

We had to move the Fachschaft office hour today to 4 PM - 5 PM (instead of 5 PM - 6 PM). The Zoom link is already on our Moodle page. If you stop by during this office hour (or the upcoming ones in the next weeks/months), we’ll try to help you with any questions or issues you have regarding studying computational/general linguistics in Tübingen.

– The Fachschaft

Buddy Programme

4 November 2020

Hi all,

42 newcomers and 12 returning students signed up for the buddy programme. A big thanks to all of you :-)

We sent out emails to the student groups we created. (If you signed up but didn’t receive an email, please let us know as soon as possible!)

Have fun!!

– The Fachschaft

Moodle and Erstiwoche

2 November 2020

Hi all,

Welcome to the new semester! We’re looking forward to getting to know you / seeing you again!

We just set our Moodle page to open enrolment, meaning you should all be able to join and have access to the links to our Zoom events and to the Discord server:

Again, here are the upcoming events:

  • Monday, Nov 2, 6:15 PM - 7 PM. Regulars’ table / open Fachschaft meeting: get to know us and find out how the Fachschaft works and what we do! (Everybody can join, this is not specific to only Erstis)
  • Tuesday, Nov 3, 4 PM - 6 PM. Ersticafé & speed-friending: Got any questions about studying or living in Tübingen? Do you want to get to know your future classmates? Join us!
  • Thursday, Nov 5, 8 PM - ???. Virtual pub crawl: Bring a few drinks and your favourite snack!
  • Tuesday, Nov 10, 5 PM - 6 PM. Office hour: We’re here if you have any questions or issues we can help you with!

See you later!

– The Fachschaft

Fachschaft meeting: Plans for the start of the semester

29 October 2020

Hey everyone,

We had a meeting today to plan the start of the winter semester. This is just the short summary; the long version is in our Telegram group (let us know if you’d like to join!).

  1. Erstiwoche, the welcome week for new students (all events will take place online!):
    • Monday, Nov 2, 6:15 PM. Regulars’ table / open Fachschaft meeting: get to know us and find out how the Fachschaft works and what we do!
    • Tuesday, Nov 3, 4 PM. Ersticafé (we help you with any questions about studying or living in Tübingen) and speed-friending (get to know your future classmates).
    • Thursday, Nov 5, 8 PM. Virtual pub crawl. Bring a few drinks and your favourite snack!
  2. Intro meetings. We will briefly introduce the Fachschaft during the SfS intro meetings for all students of General and Computational Linguistics on Monday.
  3. Buddy programme. We decided who will match up pairs/groups of people. You can still sign up until November 4th!
  4. Moodle. We’re currently setting up our Moodle page. This is where we’ll share links to the online events. It will be accessible to all students starting next week!
  5. Office hours. We will have online office hours where you can ask us questions every week or every other week. The first office hour will be on Tuesday, Nov 10, 5 PM.
  6. Discord. We set up a Discord server for SfS students (link on the aforementioned Moodle page).
  7. In-person activities. Definitely not possible at the moment. Once the Covid-19 situation improves, we might be able to plan some hikes or other activities.

All the best and see you soon,

– The Fachschaft

Website updates

15 October 2020

Hey everybody,

We recently added some pages to this website:

Please let us know if there are specific guides you’d like for us to add to the webpage or if you have (part of) a guide you’d like to contribute! And if you’d like to share your thesis, your internship report/presentation and/or your Erasmus/exchange report to help out fellow students, please contact us!

All the best,

– The Fachschaft