- SfS (Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft) = Department of Linguistics
- The study programmes:
- ISCL = CL (Computational Linguistics) = CompLing
- AS (Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft) = GL (General Linguistics) = GenLing
- Fachschaft = student body of a course of studies or department
- Fachschaft, Fachschaftsrat = representatives of that student body
- Ersti = first semester student
- Erstiwoche = welcome week
- Ersticafé = a welcome event for new students
- CP (credit points) = ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points = course credits that indicate how much of a time investment a course is
- Seminar types:
- VL (Vorlesung) = a lecture (this abbreviation is more commonly used in other departments)
- PS (Proseminar) = typically a BA-level seminar that might be a bit more advanced than the introductory lectures (usually worth 3-6 CP)
- HS (Hauptseminar) = a seminar for MA and advanced BA students (usually worth 6-9 CP)
- OS (Oberseminar) = a discussion group for current topics in a research group, for SfS staff and interested students (no CP)
- Since the move, the department’s building is located in Keplerstraße 2.
- Fachschaft Room: Technically not the Fachschaft and any student can use the room. It’s room 049 in Keplerstraße 2.
- UB (Universitätsbibliothek) = UniBib = university library
- FSZ (Fachsprachenzentrum/Fremdsprachenzentrum) = language centre