Statistics Pre-midterm Workshop
Prepare for the upcoming Methods II: Statistics midterm with our workshop!
What is the plan?Permalink
- Warm up quiz
- General recap
- Q&A session
Saturday, June 15 - Time will be either 10 AM - 2 PM or 2PM - 5PM. Let us know about your preference by filling out this Sign-up form
Seminar room 035 at Brechtbau.
Why Attend?Permalink
- We will focus on the following materials from the course: “Basics of statistics”, “Regression”.
- We will summarise various regression models.
- The workshop does not cover how to deal with specific things in R (loading data, removing outliers, etc.)
Let us know that you are coming!Permalink
The room has a limited capacity so please make sure to fill out the signup form to let us know that you are coming, so we can save you a seat! Of course if there should be a higher demand, we can get more chairs
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